First Party Property Retainer


290 NW 165th Street, Suite M-500, Miami, FL 33169

Telephone: (954) 676-4179 | Facsimile: (833)274 8637

Email: [email protected]


    hereby retains Louis Law Group, PLLC (Attorney)for representation in a contractual dispute under Client’s insurance policy . Attorney hereby agree to represent client against client’s insurer(s) in connection with an insurance claim filed or that will be filed, and to further manage the Claim through adjustment, litigation, appraisal, and advisement for loss to a property located at and any of the realty, personal property, additional living expense (ALE), loss of income caused by, () on , which forms the basis of the subject Claim.

The client understands that this is a contingency fee contract. Accordingly, Client is obliged to pay Attorney from the proceeds of any recovery. Payment will include the specified fee outlined below, plus any costs incurred in achieving such a recovery:

  1. Before the filing of an answer or the demand for appointment of arbitrators or, if no answer is filed or no demand for appointment of arbitrators is made, the expiration of the time period provided for such action: 
    • 33-1/3% of any recovery up to $1 million; plus 
    • 30% of any portion of the recovery between $1 million and $2 million; plus 
    • 20% of any portion of the recovery exceeding $2 million.
  2. After the filing of an answer or the demand for appointment of arbitrators or, if no answer is filed or no demand for appointment of arbitrators is made, the expiration of the time period provided for such action, through the entry of judgment: 
    • 40% of any recovery up to $1 million; plus 
    • 30% of any portion of the recovery between $1 million and $2 million; plus 
    • 20% of any portion of the recovery exceeding $2 million.
  3. An additional 5% of any recovery after institution of any appellate proceeding is filed or post judgment relief or action is required for recovery on the judgment.

Client understands that the insurance company may be required to pay attorney’s fees and costs. In such a case, the Attorney shall be entitled to the greater of the following: attorney’s fees awarded by the court, those paid by the insurance company as part of a settlement, or the contingency fee described in paragraphs 1-3 above. The Client further acknowledges that Louis Law Group routinely and customarily charges $600.00 per hour ('hourly rate') for attorneys and $175.00 per hour for non-attorney staff. The Client agrees that these hourly rates are reasonable for the prosecution of the claim. The Client hereby waives any homestead exemption that may apply with respect to the insured property and/or recovery. Client understands that this employment is upon a contingent fee basis, and if no recovery is made, Client will not be indebted to Attorney for any sum whatsoever as attorney’s fees or costs.

If a conflict of interest should arise between Client and an assignee or a third-party to whom Client is contractually obligated for work performed as a result of the above referenced claim and both parties are represented by The Attorney, by signing this agreement, Client agrees to waive any conflicts of interest that may exist or arise as a result of Attorney’s representation of both parties.

Client understands that if there is a mortgage on the property, the mortgagee has a right to be included as a co-payee on all insurance checks. Client further understands that Client will be solely responsible for obtaining the mortgagee’s endorsement on any insurance checks. Client further understands that if Client retained the services of a public adjuster, the Client will be responsible to pay the public adjuster the agreed upon fee.

Client understands and agrees that under the terms of the insurance policy, Client is obligated to comply with post- loss obligations as requested by the insurer. Client further understands and agrees that failure to comply may result in the denial of Client’s Claim.>

Client may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation within three (3) business days after execution of the contract. If Attorney determine it is unfeasible for Attorney to continue Client’s representation, Attorney may cancel the contract, and Client will not be obligated to Attorney for legal fees or expenses incurred on behalf of Client, unless the cancellation is based on Client’s failure to cooperate with Attorney’s reasonable requests. Cancellation must be submitted in writing to the other part

In any dispute arising out of this agreement, the Parties agree that venue shall lie in Miami, Florida, and the laws of the State of Florida shall apply, regardless of conflict of law principles. The Parties agree to send any disputes under this agreement to mediation prior to instituting any form of adversarial dispute resolution mechanism. At the request of either of the Parties, any dispute under this Agreement including the issue of arbitrability, shall be submitted to confidential binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), and any other dispute resolution mechanism active at such time shall be dismissed.

This retainer agreement contains the entire understanding of Client and Attorney. Client acknowledges having received a copy of this Contract for Representation and Claim Management.

CLIENT HEREBY gives Power of Attorney to Pierre A. Louis, Esq. to sign any settlement check(s) on Client’s behalf. The above employment is hereby accepted upon the terms and conditions stated herein.





290 NW 165th Street, Suite M-500, Miami, FL 33169

Telephone: (954) 676-4179 | Facsimile: (833)274 8637

Email: [email protected]


Before you, the prospective client, arrange a contingency fee agreement with a lawyer, you should understand this Statement of your rights as a client. This Statement is not a part of the actual contract between you and your lawyer, but as a prospective client, you should be aware of these rights:

1. There is no legal requirement that a lawyer charge a client a set fee or a percentage of money recovered in a case. You, the client, have the right to talk with your lawyer about the proposed fee and to bargain about the rate or percentage as in any other contract. If you do not reach an agreement with one lawyer, you may talk with another lawyer.

2. Any contingency fee contract must be in writing and you have three (3) business days to reconsider the contract. You may cancel the contract without any reason if you notify your lawyer in writing within three (3) business days of signing the contract. If you withdraw from the contract within the first three (3) business days, you do not owe the lawyers a fee, although you may be responsible for the lawyer's actual costs during that time. If your lawyer begins to represent you, your lawyer may not withdraw from the case without giving you notice, delivering necessary papers to you, and allowing you time to employ another lawyer. Often, your lawyer must obtain court approval before withdrawing from a case. If you discharge your lawyer without good cause after the three (3) days period, you may have to pay a fee for work the lawyer has done.

3. Before hiring a lawyer, you the client, have the right to know about the lawyer's education, training and experience. If you ask, the lawyer should tell you specifically about his or her actual experience dealing with cases similar to yours. If you ask, the lawyer should provide information about special training or knowledge and give you this information in writing if you request it.

4. Before signing a contingency fee contract with you, a lawyer must advise you whether he or she intends to handle your case alone or whether other lawyers will be helping with the case. If your lawyer intends to refer the case to other lawyers, he or she should tell you what kind of fee sharing arrangement will be made with the other lawyers. If lawyers from different law firms will represent you, at least one lawyer from each law firm must sign the contingency fee contract.

5. If your lawyer intends to refer your case to another lawyer or counsel with other lawyers, your lawyer should tell you about that at the beginning. If your lawyer takes the case and later decides to refer it to another lawyer, or to associate with other lawyers, you should sign a new contract which includes the new lawyers. You, the client, also have the right to consult with each lawyer working on your case and each lawyer is legally responsible to represent your interests and is legally responsible for the acts of the other lawyers involved in the case.

6. You, the client, have the right to know in advance how you will need to pay the expenses and the legal fees at the end of the case. If you pay a deposit in advance for costs, you may ask reasonable questions about how the money will be or has been spent and how much of it remains unspent. Your lawyer should give a reasonable estimate about future necessary costs. If your lawyer agrees to lend advance you money to prepare or research the case, you have the right to know periodically how much money your lawyer has spent on your behalf. You also have the right to decide, after consulting with your lawyer, how much money is to be spent to prepare a case. If you pay the expense, you have the right to decide how much to spend. Your lawyer should also inform you whether the fee will be based on the gross amount recovered or on the amount recovered minus the costs.

7. You, the client, have the right to be told by your lawyer about possible adverse consequences if you lose a case. Those adverse consequences might include money which you might have to pay to your lawyer for costs, and liability you might have for attorney's fees to the other side.

8. You, the client, have the right to receive and approve a closing statement at the end of the case before you pay any money. The statement must list all of the financial details of the entire case, including the amount recovered, all expenses, and a precise statement of your lawyer's fee. Until you approve the closing statement you need not pay any money to anyone, including the lawyer. You also have the right to have every lawyer or law firm working on your case sign this closing statement.

9. You, the client, have the right to ask your lawyer at reasonable intervals how the case is progressing and to have these questions answered to the best of your lawyer's ability.

10. You, the client, have the right to make the final decision regarding settlement of a case. Your lawyer must notify you of all offers of settlement before and after the trial. Offers during the trial must be immediately communicated and you should consult with your lawyer regarding whether to accept a settlement. However, you must make the final decision to accept or reject a settlement.

11. If at any time, you, the client, believe that your lawyer has charged an excessive or illegal fee, you the client, have the right to report the matter to The Florida Bar, the agency that oversees the practice and behavior of all lawyers in Florida. For information on how to reach The Florida Bar, call 1- 800-342-8060, or contact the local bar association. Any disagreement between you and your lawyer about a fee can be taken to court and you may wish to hire another lawyer to help you resolve this disagreement. Usually fee disputes must be handled in a separate lawsuit.




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Signed by Pierre Louis
Signed On: September 24, 2024

Signature Certificate
Document name: First Party Property Retainer
lock iconUnique Document ID: ba32086bc018ca050c19ca0d337042ae818b51e1
Timestamp Audit
November 15, 2023 11:00 am EDTFirst Party Property Retainer Uploaded by Pierre Louis - [email protected] IP 2601:586:4c80:9b60:b183:f648:e4c6:8809